Friday, April 29, 2016

is there something more

he's going through his life, and he's playing the part , with his forty hour job, and his quarter acre lot, with his 3 bedroom home, and his big screen tv, and if he misses one payment the bank owns everything....

is this really living, thats what he's asking himself, as he asks the bartender to reach up on the shelf, and pull down that bottle, and pour him a...nother round, and then turns towards the jukebox to find some kind of sound, he can buy for a dollar, it used to be a dime, but it's still the same song, played throughout time, with a different drummer, with a different sound, but the words that they're speaking just keep going round,
is there something more, there must be something more,
Something more to this...

la... da, da.. da, da, da... la... da-da, da-da, la.. da, di-da-da, di-da-da, la.. da-di,-da-da,
la, di, da, da,
la-la, la-la,

cause she's lying in bed and it three thirty am, she's been trying to quite these pictures in her head, there's so much that she does and so much that she doesn't... understand,
how it is that they loved, how it is that they lost, why it is that they can't find a way to hold on, she always believed that love was always enough, but when distance between can make things all this rough, is there something she could have done differently, is there something to loves that's a little more than a dream,

is this really ending, thats what she's asking herself, as she asks the bartender to reach up on the shelf, and pull down that bottle, and pour her a...nother round, and then turns towards the jukebox to find some kind of sound, she can buy for a dollar, it used to be a dime, but it's still the same song, played throughout time, with a different drummer, with a different sound, but the words that they're speaking just keep going round,
is there something more, there must be something more,
Something more to this...

as you walk around the city seeing the graffitis on the walls,
telling the stories that are the same to us all, as we try to make sense of the things going on, and we're looking for the answers, looking for ourselves, swearing through the silence, it must be something else,

sometimes we get lost in the moments, and forget about the pain, and find ourselves smiling, at the silliest of things, sharing a laugh with a stranger, a hug with a friend,
could that be the answer, i mean in the end...
la... da, da.. da, da, da... la... da-da, da-da, la.. da, di-da-da, di-da-da, la.. da-di,-da-da,
la, di, da, da,

la-la, la-la,

is it true that we are out there, just looking to damn hard, trying to find answers, to feel holes in our hearts, that aren't really even empty if we just let things in, but we're to damn busy to start, trying to figure out where to begin....

la... da, da.. da, da, da... la... da-da, da-da, la.. da, di-da-da, di-da-da, la.. da-di,-da-da,
la, di, da, da,

la-la, la-la,

sometimes we get lost in the moments, and forget about the pain, and find ourselves smiling, at the silliest of things, sharing a laugh with a stranger, a hug with a friend,
could that be the answer, i mean in the end...

is this really living, thats what we're asking ourselves, as we ask the bartender to reach up on the shelf, and pull down that bottle, and pour a...nother round, and then turn towards the jukebox to find some kind of sound, we can buy for a dollar, what used to be a dime, but it's still the same damn sad story, played throughout time, it may be a different drummer, with a different sound, but the words that they're speaking just keep going round,
there is something more, there must be something more,
Something more to this...

la... da, da.. da, da, da... la... da-da, da-da, la.. da, di-da-da, di-da-da, la.. da-di,-da-da,
la, di, da, da,

la-la, la-la,