I saw a caravan full of gypsies traveling all around this land,
trying to make sure and take in all they could see.
I saw wild horses running in a wide open field,
bucking and galloping so loud and proud,
as they made their way across the prairie.

I saw a group of teenagers on an old rope swing,
sneaking off sips of ol’ Jim Bean,
workin’ up the courage to take the plunge,
someone’s gonna make it from that top rung,
and everyone wondering which one it would be.
I saw all the things that we have all forgot,
in our daily jobs where we get brainwashed,
and forget what happiness, it really means.
That’s what I saw when I looked into her eyes,
as she told me stories from somewhere inside,
reminding me what it really meant to dream.
All these pictures running through my mind,
took me to a better place and time,
and they all seemed to center around just one thing.
And as I snuck in for that first kiss,
the fireworks that went off, which really gave the final gist,
of just what this girl she meant to me.
As the kiss was over, I took off my hat,
threw it in the air right where I was at,
yelling out loud
let freedom ring.
I saw little barefoot kids running round in the creek.
I saw a climber striving for the final mountain peak.
I saw a soldier who just came back from the war,
knowing exactly what he was fighting for,
kissing the ground as he reached our soil,
yelling out loud,
let freedom ring.
That’s what I saw when I looked into her eyes,
as she told me stories from somewhere inside,
reminding me what it meant to really dream.
All these pictures running through my mind,
took me to a better place and time,
and they all seemed to center around one thing.
As I snuck in for that first kiss,
the fireworks that went off, which gave the final gist,
of just why this angel was sent to me.
All I could say as I took off my hat,
threw it in the air right where I was at,
yelling out loud
let freedom ring.
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