Sunday, August 15, 2010

life, and death, and apple trees,

come, on-now-pretty-lady, won't you walk-with-me,
i know', a-little-spot, on', dow'n-by-the-creek,

we', can-get-to-talkin'-bout', what'-shit-means,
like life, and death, and a'pple trees,
talkin' life, and death, and a'pple trees,

dow'n, in-the-holler,
sit', tin'-on-a-log,
lis', nin'-to-the-music, of a chir'pin' frog,

hol', din'-your-hand,
and walk, 'in'-in-the-rain,
when your', by-my-side, i-can-feel-no-pain,
with' you by my side i can feel no pain,

come', on-now-pretty-lady, wont', you-walk'-with-me,
i know', a-little-spot, on-down'-by-the-creek,

we, can' get-to-talkin', bout what'-shit-means,
like life, and death, and a'pple trees,
talkin' life, and death, and a'pple trees,

the sim', ple-kinda-life,
that's what', we'll-lead,
if', there's room-in'-your-life,
for', my-fiddle-and-me,

wor', kin'-all-day, an'd at-night-we-can-sing,
about life, and death, and a'pple trees,
throughout', life, and death, and a'pple trees,

come', on-now-pretty-lady, wont', you-walk'-with-me,
i know', a-little-spot, on-down'-by-the-creek,

we, can' get-to-talkin', bout what'-shit-means,
like life, and death, and a'pple trees,
throughout', life, and death, and a'pple trees,
talkin', life, and death, and a'pple trees,
life, and death and a'pple trees...

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