Saturday, February 5, 2011

drink until my drinking need is through,

yes I would love-a... nother be'eee'rr,
if you don't mind-I'll.. sit right he'eee're,
and drink until-my.. drinkin' need is through,

see she was such-a.. lovely girl'irrrlll,
but I'm the kind-that.. can't be still,
I done chased her all-the.. way-away,

somewhere on-the other..side-of sane,
drinkin' somehow seems-ta.. ease the pain,
and I find friends-here.. just the same,

right now-I might not like.. what I see,
but a few beers in.. I do believe,
I might get me-a.. nother point of view,

i guess be'-tween.. now and then,
all i'll ask-of.. you my friend,
is that you make sure-my.. glass stays full,

see I would love-a.. nother beer,
if you don't mind-I'll..sit right here,
and drink until-my.. drinkin' need is through,

see she was such-a.. lovely girl,
but I'm the kind-that.. can't be still,
i done chased her all-the.. way-away,

somewhere on-the other.. side of sane,
drinkin' somehow seems-to.. ease the pain,
and I find friends-here.. just the same,

so before-I finish.. off this glass,
i'll tell the world-to.. kiss my ass,
and then I'll have-ya fill me-up.. yet again,

as-as much as I-get.. fed up with it,
I play right this shit,
and I'm back to playing-this.. same damn game,

a-nother year-a.. nother dime,
a-nother town-a..nother rhyme,
my glass still empty.. and my lonely's full,
yeah my glass still empty... and my lonely's full,

so all-I ask-of.. you my friend,
is you come fill-it.. up again,
and I'll just go back-to.. moving on,

yes I would love-a... nother be'eee'rr,
if you don't mind-I'll.. sit right he'eee're,
and drink until-my.. drinkin' need is through,

a-nother year-a.. nother dime,
a-nother town-a..nother rhyme,
my glass still empty.. and my lonely's full,
yeah my glass still empty... and my lonely's full,
my glass still emmmmmpptttttttttyyyyyyyyyyy,
ohhhhh-ohhhh-aaaaahhhhh-ooooooo and my'yyyyyy'yyyyyy'yyy'yyyyy,
lonely's full'ulllll'eeewwwwwwwwaaaahhhhhhhhhaaahhhahhhhh uuuuuuuuu'llllllll,
my glass still empty and my lonely full,

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