Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Re: Conservative Christian, Right Wing Republican...

in response to Todd Snider's song (which i thought was awesome b.t.w.)
Conservative Christian Right Wing Republican, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xhnf9x-Jfm4
that i heard last week, i decided to write my own verse.......

watch the video first so you can read it in time...

in response to Todd Snider's song (which i thought was awesome b.t.w.)
Conservative Christian Right Wing Republican, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xhnf9x-Jfm4
that i heard last week, i decided to write my own verse.......

watch the video first so you can read it in time...


Neo-conservative, Rhino’s and Socialist, im telling y'all it’s all the same,
they keep spending their time chasing leaders down them same great big ol’ mountains of shame,

One taking my money to give to their charities that of which I get no say,
The other policing my bedroom and social habits, you cant tell me there’s no other way,
Choosing between left and right doesn’t seem to leave me with anything id call a choice,
im thinking that maybe for people like me, it’s about damn time we had a voice,
For free minded thinkers like me,

Neo-conservative, Rhino’s and Socialist, to me really it’s all the same,
spend their time chasing their great leaders down them same mountains of shame,
back and forth in their rodeo, where it stops no one knows, but I’ll tell you who’s not to blame,

Liberty minded, non bigoted believers that freedom is the only way,
Those that don’t judge others by their own standards, only wish that they'd do the same,
It’s not hard to see people, come on now what do you say,

Neo-conservative, Rhino’s and Socialist, you know really it’s all the same,
spend their time chasing their sacred leaders down them same great big ol’ mountains of shame,
back and forth in their rodeo, where it stops no one knows, but I’ll tell you who’s not to blame,

Intellectually grounded, philosophically sounded,
conspiracy minded, not color blinded, protestors of hypocrisy,
peace loving, freedom fighting, believers in responsibility,
sound money minded, not politically blinded, liberty lovers like me,
yeah gun toting, pot smoking, garden growing, home schooling,
liberty lovers like meeeeeeee'eeee'eeeeeeeee,

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